Lhasa Apso kennel EL Minja's,world famous Lhasa Apso kennel represented in all continents

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Ch. El Minja's Maitreya , France and International Champion

daughter of my CHampion Lingstoc Just Billy and CH EL Minja's Dakini


In 1991 I imported from Mrs. Sylvia Linge, Lingstoc Just Billy, which I made up International and Belgium champion.  This male was a little height and had heavy bone structure, for me he produced the  right coats with good density. Out of him I kept a bitch, CH El Minja's Maytreya , out of Maytreya I have  El Minja's Maxim a very pretty bitch. Maytreya is grey colored and she has been mated to my imported   CH Tn Hi Brick the Big Bang and they produced a very pleasing litter. A son of CH Tn Hi Brick the Big Bang , CH El Minja's Seng-Tru was mated to Maytreya and they produced my pretty Lhasa Apso bitch El Minja's Maxim.