EL Minja’s Lhasa Apso kennel history
bred by Frank and Sylvia van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek
Mrs Sophia van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek is awarded by
The Union Royale Cynologique Saint Hubertus with the
Honorary Medal in Gold for her tributes to the dog sports.
On 2 april 2016 I have been awarded with the “Golden Honorary Pin” of the Dutch kennelclub. This momentous award is a great honor for me.
My sincere thanks to the Board of the Raad van Beheer (Dutch Kennelclub) in the Netherlands.

My first Lhasa Apsos were, Nikyta and Madonna, Nikyta is bred on pure Dutch lines ( v/d Warwinckel) and Madonna Dutch, English (Saxonspring) and American ( CH Dolsa Marlo Matador). I only bred twice with Nikyta, then I quit breeding with her. In her first Lhasa Apso litter she had two males, Karma and Agami, Karma became an International Champion and Agami was loved in a pet home although he was good enough to show. Madonna became my basic Lhasa Apso brood bitch, the foundation of my kennel for many years.
The Lhasa Apso first litter with Madonna, she was bred to CH. Lingstoc Midas and this was for me very interesting to see what the lines were doing. Well I was very pleased with 6 puppies (5-1). Out of this litter I showed a male CH. EL Minja’s Mahakala and his sister CH. EL Minja’s Dakini.
The second Lhasa Apso litter of Madonna with Tex produced my champion EL Minja’s Kerima who became Dutch and International champion, her sister Lha-mo who had the same high qualities as Kerima has been exported. Kerima is slightly greater in length than Dakini and has a rather longer head, however, Dakini has a very nice expression and character. Both have the coats of hard texture and density which is so omportant for me. Both have a beatiful feminine head.
In 1991 I imported from Mrs. Sylvia Linge, Lingstoc Just Billy, which I made up International and Belgium champion. This male was a little height and had heavy bone structure, for me he produced the right coats with good density. Out of him I kept a bitch, CH EL Minja’s Maytreya, out of Maytreya I have EL Minja’s Maxim a very pretty bitch. Maytreya is grey colored and she has been mated to my imported CH Tn Hi Brick the Big Bang and they produced a very pleasing litter. A son of CH. Tn Hi Brick the Big Bang, CH EL Minja’s Seng-Tru was mated to Maytreya and they produced my pretty Lhasa Apso bitch EL Minja’s Maxim.
To improve certain points, I bought the bitch Mouche Do’r Des Coquins, she was bred to Ramatsche (very old Dutch with excelent quality). Mouche Do’r Des Coquins I bred to my CH EL Minja’s Mahakala and this litter gabe me my famous CH EL Minja’s Amitabha. She was deep red color with a dreaming head and the hautain Lhasa character.
The first time she came to the show in juniorclass she won best bitch, over specials, this was at Arnhem International championship show 1992. Her list of wins is very long. Highlight “Amitabha together with her father Mahakala” won the Paris Longchamp International championship show in 1993 both CAC/CACIB and Mahakala BOB!
This show is at the fields of the hippodrome Bois de Boulogne in Paris. A good year later, I imported the male CH. TN HI Brick The Big Bang, bred in the USA by Mrs Joyce hadden of Tn Hi kennel and I imported him from Colombia from Mrs Cecilia Franco, his journey was via Spain were he was shown at the worlddogshow Valencia by his breeder Mrs Joyce Hadden. CH. Tn HI Brick The Big Bang stayed a couple of months in Spain for some dogshows and was never used for breeding in Spain. Brick was a nice male but had a very bad time behind him. After he had six months relaxing and joining our house life I’ve started him at the dogshows again. It was a different experience for him and he really trusted me. I lead him to the reserve BIS title at the greatest Dogshow of Europa “Dortmund VDH Hunde ausstellung Bundessieger”.

CH. TN HI Brick the Big Bang with Sylvia
CH. Tn HI Brick the Big Bang did fit perfectly in my Lhasa Apso lines and produced very well with my bitches, he gave me the most beautiful feminin CH EL Minja’s Lady-Nada, an experienced judge for more than 40 years in the breed said about her “she is one in a million, the perfection”. Thank you! With EL Minja’s Chumi, he produced wonderfull males and with other bitches excellent females. A son of CH. Tn HI Brick The Big Bang his name is Taikoo de San Marino also arrived from Cecelia Franco via Spain but he was not of the quality I was looking for, not good enough for showing and breeding programa so I placed him as a pet. Cecilia Franco imported 2 very nice Lhasa Apso’s from me.
Later that year a litter was born out of Brick produced our famous CH EL Minja’s Adarsha she pleased me very much in the ring and as a mother. She produced great, she is the mother of American and Canadian Champion EL Minja’s Chumbi and multi Champion EL Minja’s Nag Po Chen Po which is a winner as well, he went to China and Hong Kong for starting the Lhasa Apso in these countries.
Another litter of CH. Tn HI Brick The Big Bang, that year produced the famous Best in Show winner and World Champion Winner CH EL Minja’s Thang-Ka, this parti-color boy had shown all over Europe winning BOB and BIG as BIS.
When I review the next litters of CH Tn HI Brick The Big Bang, I have to notice the of CH EL Minja’s Honeybe and her brother CH EL Minja’s Hi Flyer which went to the USA, to Mrs Joyce Hadden. This Boy aka Baron is a very solid and an attractive male, with a marvelous coat. He was producing in TN HI kennel of Mrs Joyce Hadden in the USA.
Mentioned my Lhasa’s I cannot passed my EL Minja’s Chamdo, CH. EL Minja’s Osiris & CH. EL Minja’s Only for Pleasure, EL Minja’s Joyana, CH. EL Minja’s Nag Po Chen Po, CH EL Minja’s Jasmine they all heve very high qualities and soaring above.
Other imports are from the USA mentioning; Brick, Arielle, Lilly and Candy (2nd generation EL Minja’s all from Nuseng/Sinkey kennels breeding exclusive with my EL Minja’s stock) Arielle, Candy and Lilly are American Champions in European countries.
In Scaninavia CH EL Minja’s Solar Kye, CH. EL Minja’s Luna and CH EL Minja’s Xivas obtained all of them their multi Champion titles.

All these Lhasa Apso’s are EL Minja’s bred or 2nd generation down from EL Minja’s, except Jo-Bo he has EL Minja’s back in his pedigree down from CH. EL Minja’s Mahakala, he is a son from Kalif and from old German mother line.

CH. EL Minja’s Yeshey

Best Regards,
Mrs. S.H.M. van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek, breeder and owner of “EL Minja’s kennels”

Sylvia with her beloved Champion EL Minja’s Tsarong at Paris dogshow “Longchamp”

One of my first Afghanhounds “Abdoullha”

Mrs. Sophia van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek year 1983 in function as Dogshow Manager.

Lia my kennelgirl




Champion Lingstoc Just Billy bred by Mrs S. Linge owned by myself

Paris 1993 best bitch CAC/CACIB

Best In Group Champion EL Minja’s Thsang-Pa photo Mr. Roger Dictus

CH. EL Minja’s Walk on Water
foto Wayne Cott

BIS Multi Champion Kokomo Kalif